As Built : The Podcast

The professionals who build buildings also need to build their practices.

The key to business development in the built environment is understanding the relationship between architect, building materials, contractors and clients – and how each group makes decisions.

In As Built, you’ll hear from industry leaders about how they built their practice. Hosts Brian Jones and Patience Jones also provide insights from their experiences helping firms in the built environment industry grow and succeed.

As Built Podcast Episode 33: When Is Obsession with Competition Healthy?
Episode: 33
When Is Obsession with Competition Healthy?
We’re taught that we should keep an eye on the competition, but when does that cross over into something that isn’t helpful? Is obsession with the competition healthy?
As Built Interview with Carolyn Kiernat, AIA.
Episode: 32
As Built Interview with Carolyn Kiernat, AIA
Architect Carolyn Kiernat, AIA is a Principal of architecture, design, planning, and preservation firm Page & Turnbull. As the firm celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, Carolyn shares how it was established largely as a reaction to the demolition and rapid redevelopment that was occurring in 1970’s San Francisco.
As Built Podcast Ep 31: Growth Challenges: Retirement.
Episode: 31
Growth Challenges: Retirement
We delve into the different dimensions of managing retirements, including the opportunities that such transitions bring, such as redefining the firm’s direction or modifying certain practices that may no longer serve the business’s interests.
As Built Podcast Ep 30: How Architecture Firms Can Differentiate Themselves.
Episode: 30
How Architecture Firms Can Differentiate Themselves
People make decisions by making comparisons. If you don’t tell them how you want to be compared, they’ll default to the one thing that they can easily understand: price. You can avoid this race to the bottom by helping prospects understand your firm’s true differentiators.
As Built Interview with Carol Ross Barney, FAIA, HASLA.
Episode: 29
As Built Interview with Carol Ross Barney, FAIA, HASLA
Architect Carol Ross Barney, FAIA, HASLA is a Design Principal and Founder of Ross Barney Architects. She is also the 2023 recipient of the AIA Gold Medal, the highest honor the AIA can bestow. In this episode, Carol discusses her career path and how it informed the driving principle behind her work and her life: that excellent design is a right, not a privilege.
As Built Ep 28: How Building Materials Can Address Rising Costs.
Episode: 28
How Building Materials Can Address Rising Costs
When your business is interwoven with the supply chain, you have the unenviable task of explaining to customers why something costs more today than it did yesterday. While you can’t do much about the costs themselves, there are ways to address changes with your customers that can help keep and grow your business.
As Built Podcast Ep 27: Motivation.
Episode: 27
In this episode, we discuss what does – and doesn’t – work for architecture and building materials firms trying to keep everyone going even when you don’t feel like it.
As Built Podcast Episode 26: Building Relationships.
Episode: 26
Building Relationships
When’s the last time you talked with someone about something other than a project? In this episode, we offer some tips on building relationships outside of the office.
As Built Episode 25: Interview with Anthony Vincent Pope of Atelier 7.
Episode: 25
As Built Interview with Anthony Vincent Pope
In this episode of As Built, Brian Jones interviews Anthony Pope, founder of Atelier 7, about his transition from traditional architecture to using shipping containers for innovative and cost-effective design solutions.