Panic Is Not a Marketing Strategy

You know that scene in almost every movie set in a creative firm, where someone just realized something is due and everyone runs around in a state of total panic while frenetic background music plays?That shouldn’t be how your marketing works. We’ve been duped into believing that doing things frantically at the last minute is somehow a sign of success. It isn’t. It’s a symptom of a problem, and left to worsen it can lead to loss of clients, drying up of potential work, and employee unhappiness and illness. In this episode, we discuss panic and how to develop a marketing strategy that isn’t based on anyone’s hair being on fire.


  • What can cause panic to take over
  • How movies and cocktail banter convinced us panic was a good thing
  • Being able to adapt and change is not the same thing as courting panic
  • The importance of putting systems in place for yourself
  • Your future self does not have as much time as you think they will
  • The effects of panic on yourself, your health, and your firm

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