Any successful businessperson will tell you that one of the most crucial aspects of business success is solid marketing. What most business owners don't realize is that you actually don't have to spend a fortune to get it right, either.Sometimes, the cost of running your own marketing can quickly spiral out-of-control. Many business owners overlook the power and convenience of outsourcing to a trusted professional or cutting costs that are weighing them down.If you plan on tackling your marketing in-house, here's how to keep control of your costs, without the expenses getting the better of your construction firm.
Making budget cuts can be challenging, no matter what department. But when it comes to marketing spend, begin by scrapping projects that aren't producing sales. This is an example of an easy cost to cut. Forget about pride and ego, at the end of the day, it's better to accept that a project didn't work out and save money instead.Some of these projects include paid social media campaigns or print ads that just aren't bringing in new leads. With the help of Google Analytics, you can get a good idea of the marketing projects that aren't performing as they should be. Cut your losses and designate this marketing spend somewhere worthwhile.
Trying to manage multiple campaigns at once is not always the best idea. In fact, it's a way to spread yourself too thin -- both in manpower and your marketing budget. Divide your budget between high-quality marketing projects that have a track record of success, instead of dumping it all on average-performing projects.If you notice that most of your business leads come from paid Facebook advertising, this is where you should focus your budget.
This is a good way to make the most of social media, without having to spend a small fortune. There are a number of free features you can capitalize on in order to build a solid marketing campaign. These free social media tools include scheduling apps that are easy to use and a good way to market your business with strategic scheduling.Social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin are free -- you don't always have to go the route of sponsored posts. Search relevant hashtags within the construction industry and use those to increase the reach of your posts.This is not to say you shouldn't budget for sponsored social media posts though. Limit your marketing spend to a few sponsored posts per month, and then focus your energy on making the most of free marketing platforms.
This may be a good tactic to keep in mind when trying to cut down your marketing spend. But remember that not all projects are worth the time and energy to handle on your own -- especially if you just don't have the expertise or manpower.But if you know that you can handle a project in-house, such as regular social media copywriting and scheduling, don't waste your money on outsourcing this service. Rather save this spend on outsourcing your analytics or SEO practices to professionals who really understand the industry.
If you aren't recycling existing materials, you're wasting a prime opportunity to save money. The best way to reuse content is to create something that's versatile. It can then be tweaked and reused for a few weeks on end.Some simple examples include product descriptions that can be used on your website, then re-used on in-store flyers, and in social media posts. Short copy can also be lengthened to be used in blog posts, infographics, and videos. Graphic design images can be re-used on your website, in hard-copy marketing material, social media posts, and blogs.
Following up on marketing leads is an important part of business and your marketing efforts. But sometimes, you need to accept defeat and let go of leads that just aren't going anywhere.Generally, these leads are people who haven't converted into loyal customers yet. If they don't fit your usual demographic or customer profile, it may not be worth pursuing. Instead, it's best to target customers who fit your usual buyer profile, as this is where leads turn into sales.If leads don't respond, don't make the mistake of wasting time, resources, and money on trying to get an answer out of them. Move on and focus your efforts on what works for your business.
Keeping up-to-date on all your marketing data is very important in managing your budget properly. How else do you know who to market to?Your data should be factual and relevant. Make sure all contact information is up-to-date and listings are accurate. This way you aren't marketing to a ghost audience or people who have fallen off your radar. You need to do an analysis of your data on a regular basis to ensure all email addresses, phone numbers, etc. are still valid. This ensures your efforts aren't fruitless and you've spent your money well.
Is blogging still relevant in today's world of marketing? Absolutely -- and the best part is that it's free. If your construction business website does not feature its own blog, it's high time you created one. This is the best way to regularly update your website with fresh, relevant content, which works wonders for your SEO and website ranking.A business blog is also a good way to update your customer base with regular insights about your industry, your services, products, and other related topics. You should be blogging on a regular basis, and sharing it to all your social media channels too.Blogging is an incredible tool because you are marketing your business while providing your customers with useful content that's free. Guest posts for related blogs within your industry are also a good way to market your business for a small fee. You can build an extended audience and receive a good backlink network to your website, simultaneously. All-in-all, this is smart marketing without breaking the bank.